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Self Service Change and Reset Password System for Student


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dear All Students;

Please be informed that ICT is implementing single user id (called NETID, which is your matrix number in small letter e.g kjc1010001) and password access system for students to access related applications and systems such as Student Information Systems (either VOISS, SMS, or PGS), email system (Zimbra email system) and E-lib (Library System).

You can change your password on your own by using the "Change and Reset Password" system. You can also reset your password without having to call or send an ATS request to our CRM.

You are required to register (one time only) your details with all the essential information required such as three chosen questions with your personalized answers, before you can use the reset password facility. You need to remember your NETID id and the answers to those chosen questions to reset your password. You can also change your chosen questions and its answers accordingly.

The system is accessible through the UNITAR web site at "Current Students" or this url http://sspr2.unitar.edu.my .

Please login into the system now, using your current matrix number as your NETID and "Unitar10" as your default password and change your NETID password immediately.

You can then access your Zimbra email system by using this new password. Your old Zimbra password is valid only until end of February 2010.

You will also be notified later when the VOISS/SMS/PGS and E-Lib are accessible through this NETID.

Please do not hesitate to call CRM (03-7627 7300) or ICT Dept (Zahirah at 03-7627 7448 or Zulhazmi at: 03-7627 7424) if you need any assistance.

Thank you.

ICT Services Department
Universiti Tun Abdul Razak

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