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Festive Wishes



Here's wishing all of you a very "Happy Holidays" for the coming Mid Sem Break.

To all our Muslim students, I wish that your Ramadhan and Syawal be showered with many
blessings. Don't forget to bring back some rendang for me from your 'kampung'

To all the Hindu students, my early Diwali greetings to you; "Deepavali Vartukel".
Don't forget to get me some 'laddu' and 'muruku'

To all the Chinese students, "Happy Belated Mooncake Festival". Don't forget my

For the rest, "Happy Holidays"

While I'm at it, "Merry Christmas", "Happy New Year", "Kotobian Tadau
Kaamatan", "Selamat Hari Gawai Dayak tok, kamek ucap" and all the wishes. (Sumue2
skali lah alang2 nak wish / ucap slamat :). We Malaysians are very lucky. We have the
most public holidays in the world, right

Anyway, my festive celebration greetings to all of you.
Don't forget to come back and don't forget what you've learned, okay
Just a gentle reminder you still have class before the actual break/public holidays.

"Maaf Salah Silap"

Ms. Ona
ULB 1153 Course Leader
Centre for Languages and General Studies (CLGS)

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