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Application for UNITAR Scholarship Award 2008 (Undergraduates only)


19th September 2008,

Application for UNITAR Scholarship Award 2008 (Undergraduates only)

With reference to the above, the University would like to announce that the UNITAR
Scholarship Award 2008 is now open for application. These scholarships are opened to:

(i) All existing UNITAR students (Undergraduates only) who achieved a CGPA of 3.50
and above, with a credit load between 36-110 credits.
(ii) Malaysian students only

Students, who are interested in applying for the Scholarships, can obtain the
application form from the Center for Student Affairs Department (attn: En. Mohd Azli
at azli@unitar.edu.my - ext 2039 or Cik Kartini at kartini@unitar.edu.my - ext 7339)
or download it from UNITAR website.

Deadline for application is on 20 October 2008.

Thank you


Secretariat of UNITAR Scholarship Committee


Official Announcement
Universiti Tun Abdul Razak

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